We’ve been playing around with a new class offering (only semi-secretly) for a few months now, but today, we thought we’d officially announce our new class line up!! The calendar has been updated, so now you can better pick what classes you want to come in for based on what your goals are.

NEW CLASS: Kettlebell Skill + Strength

In this class, we will only work with kettlebells to review/drill certain movements (swing, snatch, etc.), and strength train.


While we’ve been doing this for a while, let’s just make it official and put it on the schedule. Endurance workouts are light on weight, long on time, and designed to increase performance endurance and stamina.


The bread and butter of what we were built on. Classes will consist of a shorter lifting segment, followed by 2-3 high intensity, short spurt workouts. A great combo of strength and sprinting.


We will also be introducing a “Kettlebell Skills Series” in the near future designed to take a deep dive into all the major kettlebell moves (Swing, Clean, Snatch, Get-Up, Press, and Squat) – this series will be great for the first time kettlebell-er looking to learn how to properly do these movements, all the way to the seasoned kettlebell vet who wants to nerd out on all the finer points of these kettlebell movements.