I’ve been working with beginner and intermediate runners for a while – I love the questions, the excitement, I love the breakthroughs. Celebrating the success of running one’s first mile or 5k without stopping are the moments I live for as a running coach.

Having been a beginner not too long ago, and working with beginners on a regular basis, I thought it would be important to cover the “How do I Start?” piece of the running journey. For some, it may seem like a ridiculous question to ask, so they never ask, and they never get started. Let me tell you, ASK QUESTIONS! If you’re working with a good coach, no question is a bad question.

So let’s answer the age old “How do I Get Started?” Question here and now.

1) Buy yourself a pair of quality running shoes

This was a lesson I learned the wrong way. When I started running, I bought a pair of cute, but inexpensive running shoes from a big box store where no one helped me pick them. Within a month of running in them, my knees hurt so badly that I could barely walk, so I gave up and brought my shoes into Santa Barbara Running. Turns out, I bought shoes that were not made for my foot strike. Yea, there are shoes made specifically for different ways a foot naturally hits the ground. Who knew?!?! Bottom line: go into a specialty running store, talk to a professional, and get “fit” for shoes.

1.5) Buy a quality running bra

This obviously only applies to those of us with who need a bra, but regardless of whether or not your gifted or small, a good fitting bra won’t chafe the girls (which sucks), and will keep you happy long after the run.

2) Just get outside

It may seem painfully obvious, but you’ve gotta start somewhere. I’m working with a client who just started running. And by JUST STARTED, I mean she’s almost 60 and has NEVER run a day in her life, but wants to learn how. After some form review and drills (and buying proper shoes), we have her running 30 feet at a time with a 1 minute rest…and she’s stoked! You don’t have to run far or fast to start. Just be willing to show up and put the work in. You’ll be proud of yourself, I promise!

3) Consistency is key

Running is one of those things that even seasoned athletes seem to HATE. The number of Crossfitters I know who say “I hate running, why can’t I love running half as much as you?” all have one thing in common….they don’t run on a semi-regular basis. Too often, running was punishment for us in PE class, in team sports, etc. instead of something we did for fun. Make your runs part of your schedule; even if you start with one day a week, be consistent with that one day a week. I used to hate running too – it’s hard to stick to something you’re not immediately good at. But you’ll have a breakthrough where it won’t suck a much, and you’ll feel like you’re improving – know it’s going to happen if you keep at it! You can do it!

4) Find a friend

I distinctly remember the conversation I had with my best friend before I embarked on my journey as a runner. We were joking (over a beer) that we should totally run a marathon one day….then, somehow, 7 months later we were at the starting line of the Rock n’ Roll Marathon in San Diego. To this day, she’s still my favorite person to run with even though she no longer lives here. We keep each other accountable, but we don’t push each other to the point of doing something completely stupid. If I have a bad run, I know I can call her and vent about it. SO find a friend who either is willing to go running with you, or be the friend on the other end of the phone or text message when you need a little encouragement.

5) Enjoy the journey

Running isn’t a flash in the pan relationship, it’s a slow burn – one that will keep rewarding you for many years if you put in the work. It’s the ultimate investment in yourself. It allows you to take 20 minutes and turn them into an endorphin rush, find a tribe to train with for years to come, and forge new friendships that require little more than some time and a good pair of shoes.


If you have questions about what next steps you could take to get started, or would like to join one of our running programs in the future (we’d love to have you!) shoot me an email – kristiana@alarisfitness.com