
So You Want to Run Pier to Peak?

Pier to peak is no small undertaking. Yes, it’s 13.1 miles, but it’s 13.1 miles STRAIGHT UP A WALL (or so it feels) – it’s more than 4,000 ft of elevation gain. So why would you want to do it?


Testing Successes

It’s always great to see how clients progress. Progress in this house is not defined by how much weight you’ve lost, what size jeans you wear, or by inches around your waist. Progress here is defined by athletic improvement – the ability to do something better than you were able to do it before, the state of getting stronger, faster…


Motivational Monday – Marathon Monday

We certainly have a soft spot in our hearts for the Boston Marathon, and today is Patriot’s Day – aka Marathon Monday! Training for a marathon is many months of time, dedication, and an endless rotation of running/sleeping/eating. It’s not really something to commit to lightly.


Spring has SPRUNG!

Spring is officially in the air – there’s more daylight hours (at least after work for the time being), it’s starting to warm up, and allergies are starting to go bonkers!


Motivational Monday – You Are More Than a Number

One thing we repeat at Alaris is that the scale is not necessarily your friend during this program. We say this because it’s true. But we also say this because a scale does not define you, the hard work you have put in, or the progress you’ve made.


No Shit Reps

We have a philosophy about lifting and form at Alaris – it may not be the most glamorous philosophy, but it’s solid, straight to the point, and pretty clear when that philosophy is not being met. It’s a philosophy that sets us apart from a lot of fitness programs in Santa Barbara.


Motivational Monday – Taking Flight (for real)

As we’re getting ready to host our Grand Opening this weekend (you should check out the invite if you haven’t done so already!), we’ve been reflecting on what it means to “take flight.” For some, taking flight means taking the final step…walking into the unknown…letting go of the things that kept you on the ground. For others, it’s the literal act of leaving the ground.


How to Get A Bikini Body

Spring is just around the corner…meaning the headlines in every major fitness publication will start to focus on creating the perfect bikini body for this upcoming summer.