Fathiah is completing her second Running Program with us. We love her sunny outlook and impossible-to-stop positive attitude that she brings to every practice. She’s currently signed up for the She.Is.Beautiful race on September 18th where she’s going to SLAY that 10k!

I have said this before and I will probably say it again… I am not a runner.

But something has changed – my mentality, my drive? Who knows but I can now say I enjoy running. I talked myself into signing up for the Alaris Fitness running program, and I liked it so much that I signed up for another one. I never imagined that waking up at 5:30 am was going to be fun, but running along the beach to the amazing sunrises Santa Barbara has to offer I caught myself thinking “I LOVE THIS!”

Not one day passed that I didn’t feel great after completing another day of training. My mile time decreased by almost a full minute, which I NEVER imagined I could do. I did not sign up with a certain goal in mind except to better my overall endurance – I wanted to do cardio that was fun and would result in something. I feel so confident in my new running ability that I have officially signed up for my first 10K. I skipped the 5k and went for the full 10k because I KNOW I will be able to run that distance, where if you had asked me at the beginning of the year to run a 10k I would have LAUGHED! During one of our our training days, I actually ran a full 5k…without stopping!! Again this is coming from someone that never runs, running a 5k without walking was a huge accomplishment and whenever the Running Program ends, I feel a loss, and desire to continue running.

I remember during one of our first classes Coach Kristiana said something about running and how it is an individual sport, but it is also something we can do together, and at our own pace. I kept that in mind every time we train, because it allows me to push myself – I don’t have to run as fast as anyone but me, and that makes it so approachable.

I have realized I am my own worst enemy and can easily talk myself into giving up, but to have a coach and group of wonderful people encouraging me to keep going, my mindset has turned around. I went from telling myself “I can’t do this anymore” to “Look at how far I’ve come, I’m almost there”. The benefits of the Running Program through Alaris is unbelievable, I would encourage anyone to sign up and see for themselves. You will work hard, push yourself, and feel the ultimate rewards!

Inspired yet? To sign up for our Santa Barbara International Marathon 1/2 Marathon training program (Starts September 13th, T/Th 6:00 am) CLICK HERE