Many women shy away from strength training because they fear it will make them “bulky” or unfeminine. Instead, many women want to “target tone” certain areas, believe lots of cardio is the answer, or only want to lift light weights. Let’s move through a few common misconceptions as it pertains to strength training, and hopefully you’ll want to pick up that heavier weight.

I’m also going to preface all of this by stating that I spend a good portion of my week talking with new clients (and those who have been with me for a while) when these misconceptions arise. To me it’s important to talk through myths and facts of weightlifting, running, and basic nutritional concepts (like yes, eating MORE food is likely going to be your friend), because the more we know about our bodies, the more we are able to set a plan for our fitness journey.

Myth: Strength Training Will Make me Look Bulky

Truth: Probably Not

Strength training actually has the opposite effect. There are very few cases where lifting on a regular basis will “bulk” a woman’s physique (at which point you’re talking about testosterone levels, genes, hormones, etc.), but “bulking” is something that would take an immense amount of effort for the average woman to achieve. In fact, putting on a little muscle will actually TAKE OFF FAT!

How so? Well, let’s try to super simplify this. Look at muscle as more of a “living organism” than fat…imagine your muscles as a healthy, vibrant plant, and your fat as a wet sponge in your sink. The plant take in sunshine, water, nutrients, etc. and creates air to put back into the atmosphere. The sponge, well, it just needs some water every so often for it to do it’s job. When you have more muscle, you’re creating a living organism that needs energy to thrive, and that energy need is likely going to increase your metabolism…(warning, you’ll probably want to eat more too – it’s awesome)

Also, muscle takes up less volume than fat pound for pound. We won’t post here, but go look it up. WARNING: As you put on muscle and drop fat, your scale is going to be your enemy. Your jeans are going to fit like MAGIC but the number on the scale will likely go up. Do not panic, it’s those magical, dense muscles doing their thing. After a while, you’ll get to know your “new normal” weight.

Myth: I Just Want to “Target Tone” my Arms/Back/Butt/…..

Truth: There’s no such thing

Seriously, there’s no real thing called “target toning” – it’s all just a marketing myth. You can strengthen certain areas of your body, but there is no singular move that will eliminate love handles, banish a sagging booty, or lift your boobs. You’ve got to strengthen EVERYTHING and lose fat EVERYWHERE, then everything will looks spectacular. Take Target Toning out of your vocabulary now. Go pick up some weights.


Here’s the thing, strength training may still seem scary, but at least allow yourself to try it before dismissing it from your fitness routine. The benefits are huge. If you’re not sure where to start with a strength training routine, come on in for a class, your first one is free and we’re a pretty awesome, friendly crew. It’s a safe space to learn more and ask questions.

