I didn’t fully realize how often I end my classes with “Thank you for your time, effort, and energy today – I really appreciate it” until one of our clients, Danielle, said it back to me – “No, thank YOU for your time effort, and energy!” as she laughed a little and rolled out of class.

But it made me sit and think about why I say this – it truly wasn’t something I ever consciously decided to start doing, it just started rolling out of my mouth (thanks for making me think, Danielle – ugh!).

Here’s my Conclusions:

Thank you for your TIME:

There are a LOT of other fitness studios in Santa Barbara; some suck, some area great, and some are annoying, but you choose to spend your time at this gym. I am really honored by that, and thank you for choosing Alaris Fitness.

Thank you for your EFFORT:

I absolutely appreciate the work you put into your workouts when you come in. You are focused, you care about doing it right, you ask great questions, and I know that your effort is a direct correlation to your success inside and outside this place. Thank you for the effort you put in every damn day, because it’s an investment in YOU.

Thank you for your ENERGY:

Our clients are the reason why this place is absolutely freaking awesome.  Being a coach here is one of the greatest joys I get to hold in my heart on a daily basis – the positive attitude and vibe that you walk into this place with, and share with those around you is what gives Alaris Fitness that “special sauce” – it’s not the coaches, it’s the clients. We’re simply the camp counselors, but you make the music!

So yes, it’s simple, but this is what I really mean when I thank you for your time, effort, and energy at the end of class, and I totally look forward to tell YOU this again and again!