wear blackColor is an interesting thing. I often come across this image on Pinterest, but I just can’t agree with it.

Why would you want to feel like you’re attending a funeral when you workout? Don’t you want to feel the energy from your workout? don’t you want to celebrate your body? THAT feeling can come from bright, vibrant colors. I love me a bright outfit! It’s like a little extra sunshine in my day!

On another note – color could literally save your life. If you’re running at sunrise or dusk, the probability that a car has their headlights on is drastically lower than if it was completely dark outside. Those little reflective strips on your black shorts or pants are useless unless they have a light shining directly onto them, and I’m going to guess that black shirt doesn’t have ANY reflective spots on it?  So you’re running the risk of not being visible to cars. Who do you think a motorist will spot from a few hundred yards away? Probably the smartie wearing a beautiful bright pink top.

I have literally been frightened by people coming up from behind me wearing all black. I have NO idea what you’re doing, or that you’re out running – if I hear you approaching me and I see you’re wearing bright yellow shorts and a semi-reflective top, I’m going to guess you’re out for a run.

It’s just safer to exercise in colorful clothes if you’re going to be out early in the morning or in the evening. Period.

So, while black workout clothes might seem like you’re paying homage to the fat you’re burning while you’re working out, think about the bigger reasons why wearing real COLOR might be good for you too…because let’s be honest, why would you be mourning the fact that you’re doing something GOOD for your body! 🙂